Glossary C

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Choripan refer to "hot dogs" in Bolivia, one of the familiar international snacks that made its way in Bolivia which are sold and always available at street stalls, cafes and restaurants.

Choclo Con Queso refers to a dish made from a classic combination of corn which are boiled on the cob and served with fresh white cheese. This is one of the traditional dishes of the

Cohobblopot (also known as pepperpot) is a spicy meat and okra stew. It is one of the traditional dishes of Barbados.

Cap Cay refers to Indonesian fried mixed vegetables.

Carlitos is the other name of Tostado Mixto in some provinces of Argentina. It is a toasted ham and Cheese sandwich.

Ciku one of the fruits found in Malaysia. The Ciku fruits are produced in frequent intervals throughout the year. The fruits are round or oval, about 5 - 10cm long. Mature fruits have