Glossary F

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Food', 'Flavor', 'French'
- Food Trivia: Food on walls in Netherlands : An interesting way to get takeaway food in Holland is from the wall. There are snack bars that have rows of little windows where you slot in a coin and choose what snack you would like to takeaway.
Fozelékek is the Hungarian term for "cooked vegetables " which are usually served as side dishes, as in Sárga Répa Fözelék (creamed buttered carrots), Zöldborsoó Fözelék (sweet creamed green peas), etc.
Fatanyeros refers to a Hungarian specialty of assorted grilled meats served on a wooden platter garnished with pickled vegetables, and potato salad. Fatanyeros is a famous traditional Hungarian barbecues mixed meat dish which originated from Transylvania
Finadene Sauce refers to a traditional sauce from Guam which is often often served with barbeque. In Guam, Finadene sauce is a staple in every meal. Some prefer it with chicken while others use it as an all-around dip. This sauce is served in almost every food establishment on Guam- and there are not that many exceptions really. Even fastfood joints on Guam, with global franchises, serve Finadene with their chicken, like the KFC. Finadene is one of the foundations of Chamorro cooking on the island of Guam. The recipe for Finadene is pretty basic. You just mix an equal part of soy sauce and lemon juice. Then add chopped peppers and onions. Serve with meat. Preferably, barbequed chicken or pork. Finadene is used as a condiment sauce to dip things in or to sprinkle over food. Small drops of it are also nice on rice. It is available and can be bought all over Guam bottled. Finadene is also sometimes spelled Fina Dene, but based on my researched it is correctly spelled Fina’denne’.

Fool refers to a light English cream dessert whipped up from seasonal fruits, such as Gooseberry Fool.
Frémi is the French word which literally means "quivering" , used as a cooking term which usually refers to barely cooked oysters.

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