Glossary I

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Inartem', 'Impressum', 'Ingredient'

Deutsch: Gegrillte Schweineleber / Español: Hígado de cerdo a la parrilla / Português: Fígado de porco grelhado / Français: Foie de porc grillé / Italiano: Fegato di maiale alla griglia

Inihaw na Atay ng Baboy in the food context refers to a Filipino dish consisting of grilled pork liver. This dish is a popular street food and barbecue item in the Philippines, known for its rich, savory flavor. The liver is typically marinated before grilling, often in a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, and sometimes sugar or calamansi juice (a type of Philippine lime), which helps to tenderize the liver and add depth to its flavor. The marinated liver is then grilled over charcoal until it's cooked through but still tender inside, creating a smoky, slightly charred exterior.

Isaw in the food context refers to a popular Filipino street food made from skewered and grilled chicken or pork intestines. These delectable skewers are marinated, then cooked over an open flame until they are charred and slightly crispy. Isaw is known for its unique texture and bold flavor, making it a beloved and savory snack in Filipino cuisine.

Italian basil refers to a tender annual herb Ocimum basilicum with an aromatic flavour reminiscent of mint and cloves used in salads, pesto and Italian cooking, and added at the last minute to cooked dishes.

Ika is a Japanese term for Squid.
Ika is one of the common dishes in Fiji which is baked fish.

Inji, commonly known as ginger, is a versatile and widely used spice and herb in the culinary world. It adds a unique flavor and aroma to dishes, making it an essential ingredient in many cuisines. In this article, we will explore the world of Inji, its culinary uses, potential health risks, and historical significance. We will also provide a popular recipe that showcases the delightful taste of ginger.

English: Mutton stew / Deutsch: Hammelgulasch / Español: Estofado de cordero / Português: Ensopado de carneiro / Français: Ragout d'agneau / Italiano: Stufato d'agnello /

Impeke refers to a popular Burundii, a country located in East Africa, home-brewed beer made from sorghum.

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