Apfelwein which is literally translated as "apple wine" is considered to be Hessen’s state drink which is an alcoholic beverage or fermented cider drink made from apples. Hessen is one of the Federal State of Germany where the Apfelwein is mainly produced.
Apfelwein is also known as Äppelwoim (Aeppelwoi), Ebbelwei, Eppelwoi, Ebbelwoi, Äppler (Aeppler), Stöffche, Apfelmost or Viez, depending on the region of Germany.
While, Apfelwine is mainly produced in Hessen, more specifically in the Frankfurt region (Frankfurt am Main) where it is also mostly consumed, but it is also popular in the Moselfranken, Lower Saar area and regions in the border of Luxembourg.
The most popular area for consuming Apfelwine in Frankfurt are the Sachsenhausen which is known as the Apfelweinviertel (Apple Wine Quarter ) where numerous Apple Wine Pubs or Apfelweinlokale (Apple Wine Pubs) are found
Traditionally, Apfelwine is consumed using a glass that has a diamond-shaped raised pattern on the surface called Geripptes. Bembel also called Apfelweinkrug, which is a large stone-glazed gray jog with a blue pattern, is used to pour the wine into the "Geripptes" (glasses).
Below is a picture of the Bembel. Bembel is also called Apfelwein Krug or Äppelwoikrug (Aeppelwoikrug)
Some Germans who stick to traditions still want to consume Apfelwein pure, but at present, particularly outside of the Frankfurt region, many Germans are mixing it with various other drinks and beverages to produce the following drinks with Apfelwein as the main ingredient:
1. Apfelweinschorle is a mixture of Apfelwein with mineral water (Mineralwasser)
2. Süßgespritzte is a mixture of Apfelwein with soda, like 7-Up or Sprite.
3. Bembelschlabber a mixture of Apfelwein and beer
4. Panzersprit is a mixture of Apfelwein and Kola (Cola)
5. Covie is a mix of Kola (Cola) and Viez, which is another name of Apfelwein
6. KE which stands for Kola Eppler, also known as Korea is Apfelwein mixed with Kola (Coca Cola)
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