Glossary H
Deutsch: Kraut / Español: Hierba / Português: Erva / Français: Herbe / Italiano: Erba
Herb in the food context refers to the aromatic leaves or stems of certain plants used to flavour, garnish, or enhance the taste and presentation of dishes. Unlike spices, which typically come from seeds, roots, or bark, herbs are derived from the leafy green parts of plants. They are used fresh or dried and are integral to many cuisines worldwide.
Deutsch: Humba / Español: Humba / Português: Humba / Français: Humba / Italiano: Humba
Humba a dish of stewed pork; a very spicy dish made of pork or chicken from the Visayas Region of the Philippines. It is said that Humba is derived from the Chinese "Hong Baq" which means "saucy meat". The traditional way of cooking Humba is to slowly simmer a whole slab of pork belly in a mixture of Tausi (salted black beans), vinegar, dark brown sugar, garlic, onions, peppercorns and oregano. The more elegant way of cooking Humba is to grill the pork belly first until the rind is all crisp and puffy and then braise it in the usual mixture of herbs and spices.
Deutsch: Holi / Español: Holi / Português: Holi / Français: Holi / Italiano: Holi
Holi in the food context refers to the traditional foods and beverages associated with the celebration of Holi, a popular Hindu festival known as the "Festival of Colours" or the "Festival of Spring." Holi marks the arrival of spring and is celebrated with vibrant gatherings, music, dancing, and the throwing of coloured powders. Alongside these activities, a variety of special foods and drinks are prepared and enjoyed.
Deutsch: Händewaschen / Español: Lavado de manos / Português: Lavagem das mãos / Français: Lavage des mains / Italiano: Lavaggio delle mani
Handwashing in the food context is the act of thoroughly cleaning hands to remove dirt, bacteria, and other contaminants before and during food handling. It is a crucial food safety practice that helps prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses by reducing the risk of cross-contamination between food, surfaces, and equipment. Handwashing is essential in both home kitchens and food service environments, where strict hygiene standards are necessary to maintain safe food handling.
Deutsch: Hydratation / Español: Hidratación / Português: Hidratação / Français: Hydratation / Italiano: Idratazione
Hydration in the food context refers to the process of adding water or moisture to food ingredients, which can influence texture, flavour, and the overall cooking or baking process. Hydration is critical in many culinary techniques, including Bread making, dough preparation, and rehydrating dried foods.
Deutsch: Geschichte / Español: Historia / Português: História / Français: Histoire / Italiano: Storia
History in the food context refers to the study and exploration of how food and culinary practices have evolved over time, including the origins of ingredients, the development of cooking methods, and the cultural significance of specific dishes. It examines the role of food in human societies, from ancient civilizations to the present day, exploring how agriculture, trade, migration, and technological advancements have shaped diets and food traditions across the world.