Glossary Z

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Zucchini', 'Zigni', 'Zeste'

Deutsch: Zucchini / Español: Calabacín / Português: Abobrinha / Français: Courgette / Italiano: Zucchina

Zucchini is a type of summer squash that is harvested while still immature, typically when it is about 15–20 cm (6–8 inches) long. Known for its mild flavour and tender texture, zucchini is a versatile vegetable used in a wide range of savoury and sweet dishes. It is rich in water content and low in calories, making it a popular choice for healthy and balanced diets.

Deutsch: Zimtzucker / Español: Azúcar con canela / Português: Açúcar com canela / Français: Sucre à la cannelle / Italiano: Zucchero alla cannella

Zimtzucker is a simple yet flavourful blend of ground cinnamon and sugar, commonly used as a sweet topping or seasoning in baking and desserts. It is a staple in German cuisine, often sprinkled on pancakes, waffles, or toast, and is also used to enhance the flavour of baked goods like cookies, cakes, and pastries.

Zabalin is the Burmese word for lemon grass.
Zapallo Chino is the Peruvian word for Zucchini. It is also known as Zapallo Italiano.

Zabady is the Arabic word for yoghurt. Zabady is also known as Zabade, Roba or Rob

Zaboca is the Caribbean term for "Avocado", a kind of fruit.