Glossary T
The Glorious Food Glossary tells you everything important about the world of food. The Food Glosssary is all about different kinds of food from all over the world and how they are prepared and what their main ingredients are.
Moreover, the glossary is all about what people all over the world are eating and drinking and their activities, festivities, marriages, etc that involves food.
This Food Glossary is all about food . . . glorious food. We tell you about the food, some stories about them and we try our best to make photos of them as we travel around the world. As of now, we are featuring extensively foods from Germany, the Philippines and the State of Kerala, India, but we will add more pictures for you to enjoy as we discover the food of the world... as we travel around the globe.
All articles are available through the search function or via the A to Z line at the top of every page.
Deutsch: Zartheit / Español: Ternura / Português: Maciez / Français: Tendreté / Italiano: Tenerezza
Tenderness in the food context refers to the quality of a food item, particularly meat, that determines how easily it can be chewed and enjoyed. It is influenced by factors such as muscle composition, fat content, cooking methods, and marination. Tender meat or food has a soft texture and is often more desirable due to its pleasant mouthfeel and ease of digestion.
Deutsch: Technik / Español: Técnica / Português: Técnica / Français: Technique / Italiano: Tecnica
Technique in the food context refers to the specific methods and processes used in the preparation, cooking, and presentation of food. It includes skills and tools employed to transform raw ingredients into a finished dish, impacting texture, flavour, and appearance. Techniques range from basic, like boiling, to advanced, such as sous vide.
Deutsch: Tarte / Español: Tarta / Português: Torta / Français: Tarte / Italiano: Crostata
Tart in the food context refers to a baked dish that features a shallow pastry crust filled with either sweet or savoury ingredients. Tarts are typically open-faced, meaning they do not have a top crust, and are known for their elegant presentation and diverse fillings. They are a popular choice in many cuisines, ranging from French patisseries to rustic home kitchens.
Deutsch: Zart / Español: Tierno / Português: Macio / Français: Tendre / Italiano: Tenero
Tender in the food context refers to the quality of food, particularly meat or vegetables, being soft, easy to cut, chew, or bite. Tenderness is a desirable characteristic in many dishes, associated with freshness, proper cooking techniques, and high-quality ingredients.
Deutsch: Teestube / Español: Tetería / Português: Casa de chá / Français: Salon de thé / Italiano: Sala da tè
Teashop is a venue, often quaint and intimate, where tea is the primary beverage served alongside a variety of accompaniments, such as pastries, cakes, and light snacks. Teashops provide a setting for enjoying tea, often emphasising quality, presentation, and a relaxed atmosphere.