Glossary R
Deutsch: Ruhezeit / Español: Descanso / Português: Descanso / Français: Repos / Italiano: Riposo
Rest in the food context refers to the period during which food is allowed to sit undisturbed after preparation or cooking. This step is essential in many recipes to enhance flavour, improve texture, or allow ingredients to meld properly. Common examples include letting meat rest after roasting to retain its juices or allowing dough to rest during bread-making for better elasticity and structure.
Deutsch: Ergebnis / Español: Resultado / Português: Resultado / Français: Résultat / Italiano: Risultato
Result in the food context generally refers to the outcome of a cooking process, recipe, or food experiment. It can indicate the final dish produced, the success or failure of a recipe, or the sensory attributes (taste, texture, aroma, and appearance) achieved after preparation. Culinary results can be influenced by factors such as ingredients, cooking methods, and timing.
Deutsch: Schale / Español: Cáscara / Português: Casca / Français: Écorce / Italiano: Buccia
Rind in the food context refers to the outer layer or covering of certain foods, such as fruits, vegetables, cheeses, or meats. It can serve various purposes, including protection, flavour enhancement, or preservation. Rinds may be edible, like the skin of some fruits, or inedible, such as the hard shell of certain melons.
Deutsch: Ramen / Español: Ramen / Português: Ramen / Français: Ramen / Italiano: Ramen
Ramen is a Japanese noodle dish consisting of Chinese-style wheat noodles served in a savoury broth, often accompanied by toppings such as sliced pork, soft-boiled eggs, nori (seaweed), and spring onions. It is a staple of Japanese cuisine, renowned for its comforting flavours and diverse regional styles.
Deutsch: Reichhaltigkeit / Español: Riqueza / Português: Riqueza / Français: Richesse / Italiano: Ricchezza
Richness in the food context refers to the intense flavour, texture, or overall sensory experience of a dish, often characterised by high levels of fats, creams, or other decadent ingredients. It typically conveys a sense of indulgence and satisfaction, associated with both savoury and sweet dishes.
Deutsch: Risotto / Español: Risotto / Português: Risoto / Français: Risotto / Italiano: Risotto
Risotto is a creamy Italian rice dish made by cooking starchy, short-grain rice in broth until it achieves a rich, velvety texture. Often enhanced with ingredients like cheese, butter, vegetables, seafood, or meats, risotto is a cornerstone of Northern Italian cuisine and celebrated for its versatility and depth of flavour.