Glossary O
Deutsch: Übermaß / Español: Exceso / Português: Excesso / Français: Excès / Italiano: Eccesso
Overindulgence in the food context refers to the excessive consumption of food and drink beyond what the body needs for energy and nutrition. This behaviour often leads to discomfort and potential health problems over time, especially when it becomes a regular habit.
Deutsch: Unze / Español: Onza / Português: Onça / Français: Once / Italiano: Oncia
Ounce in the food context refers to a unit of weight or volume measurement commonly used in recipes and food packaging. It can be used to measure both dry and liquid ingredients, with one ounce equivalent to approximately 28.35 grams. In the U.S., an ounce of liquid (fluid ounce) is equal to about 29.57 millilitres.
Deutsch: Überkonsum / Español: Sobreconsumo / Português: Consumo excessivo / Français: Surconsommation / Italiano: Sovraconsumo
Overconsumption in food refers to eating more food, particularly in calories, than the body requires for its energy and nutritional needs. This pattern often involves excessive intake of calorie-dense, nutrient-poor foods, which can contribute to weight gain, obesity, and various health issues. Overconsumption is a growing concern worldwide, particularly in environments where processed and fast foods are readily accessible and portion sizes are large.
Deutsch: Haferbrei / Español: Avena / Português: Aveia / Français: Flocons d'avoine / Italiano: Farina d'avena
Oatmeal in the food context refers to a dish made from oats, typically cooked with water or Milk, and commonly eaten for breakfast. Oats are hulled, rolled, or cut into small pieces before being cooked to create a thick, creamy porridge-like consistency. Oatmeal is highly regarded for its nutritional benefits, especially its high fibre content, and is often customised with toppings like fruit, nuts, or sweeteners.
Deutsch: Oregano / Español: Orégano / Português: Orégano / Français: Origan / Italiano: Origano
Oregano in the food context is a widely used aromatic herb, typically dried or fresh, known for its strong, earthy, and slightly bitter flavour. It belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae) and is a key ingredient in Mediterranean, Mexican, and Middle Eastern cuisines. The herb is especially popular in Italian cooking, where it is often added to tomato-based dishes, pizzas, and pasta sauces.
Deutsch: Onasadya / Español: Onasadya / Português: Onasadya / Français: Onasadya / Italiano: Onasadya
Onasadya is a grand vegetarian feast traditionally prepared and served during the festival of Onam in the Indian state of Kerala. This multi-course meal consists of a variety of dishes that are served on a banana leaf, reflecting the diverse flavours and culinary heritage of Kerala. The term "Onasadya” comes from "Onam," the harvest festival of Kerala, and "sadya," which means banquet or feast in Malayalam.