Glossary C

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English: Mashed Green Gram / Deutsch: Gemahlener Grünkern / Español: Lentejas Verdes Machacadas / Português: Lentilhas Verdes Amassadas / Français: Lentilles Vertes Écrasées / Italiano: Grammo Verde Schiacciato /

Cherupayaru Olarthiyathu also called Cherupayaru Ulartthiyathu, Cherupayar Olarthiyathu, Cherupayar Olarthiyathu or Cherupayaru Olarthu refers to a dish from Kerala, India made from stir-fried cooked Cherupayaru or Moong/Mung Beans or Whole Green Gram.

English: Carrot and Long Beans Stir Fry / Deutsch: Karotten- und Langerbohnenpfanne / Español: Zanahoria y Judía Verde Salteadas / Português: Cenoura e Vagem Salteadas / Français: Carotte et Haricots Longs Sautés / Italiano: Carote e Fagiolini Saltati /

- Food from Kerala, India: Carrot and Achinga Payar (Pacha Payar) Mezhukkupuratti / Carrot and Long Beans Stir Fry :

English: Caipirinha / Deutsch: Caipirinha / Español: Caipirinha / Português: Caipirinha / Français: Caipirinha / Italiano: Caipirinha /

Caipirinha refers to the national and traditional cocktail and most popular drink from Brazil made from the most common and and indigenous spirit called Cachaça (also known as Caninha), lime wedges and sugar , preferably raw sugar or Turbinado sugar.

Chakkakuru Olarthiyathu is the Malayalam term for Jackfruit seeds Stir-Fry. The jackfruit seeds are stir-fried with slices of onions, and spices such as Kadugu (Black mustard), Turmeric powder, red chili powder, freshly grated coconut and curry leaves. It is one of the dishes made from the different parts of Jackfruit, such as the seeds.

Chakkakuru is the Malayalam word for Jackfruit seeds. Chakka is Jackfruit in Malayalam, the language of the Indian state of Kerala.

Chakkakuru of Jackfruit seeds is called Buto ng Langka in Filipino.

Jackfruit seeds are not made into savory dishes in the Philippines, as far as I know.When I was young, my mother used to gather these seeds whenever she purchased Jackfruit (Langka) then boil them with a bit of salt then serve them to us for snacks.

One day when I visit again my country, the Philippines. I want to try cooking Chakkakuru Olarthiyathu and let my siblings enjoy what I have learned during my stay in Kerala, India.

Pictures below are 2 kinds/types of Chakkakuru Olarthiyathu cooked by my family friend in Allepey, Kerala, India. One is with grated fresh coconut without red chili and the other one without grated coconut but with red chili powder. I enjoyed both as I love Chakkakuru, Coconut meat and lots of spices.

Clearly seen in the picture above, the onions, Kadugu (black Mustard seeds) and the Curry Leaves

Below is the close-up view of the Ckakkakuru Olarthiyathu

Coriander Seeds refer to the seeds of the Coriander plant which is used to give warm, aromatic and citrus flavor to food. Mostly used in Indian cooking and also Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Cuisine.

Coriander Seeds are available in whole or grounded/powdered forms. It is one of the components of Garam Masala and Harissa. It can be added to savory food, like Chutneys, casseroles and Pickles (found in Cornichons and pickled Cucumbers) and sweet cakes and baked products.

English: Pickled bangles / Deutsch: Eingelegte Armreifen / Español: Pulseras encurtidas / Português: Pulseiras em conserva / Français: Bracelets marinés / Italiano: Bracciali in salamoia /

Choora Achar/Achaar is the Malayalam term for Tuna Pickles which is made from small cuts of fresh Tuna fish cooked with lots of spices, Vinegar, Salt, Red and Green peppers and Curry leaves (Please see related article on Achar/Achaar)

Choora is the Malayalam word for Tuna.

The pictures below show the fresh 2-kilo Tuna fish being prepared for making Choora Achar for me. Choora Achar is my most favorite Achar coming from Allepey, Kerala, India, not only because Tuna is fresh and delicious, but more so because it was cooked for me with love by my second family in Allepey. Grandmother cut the Choora, her special way and Aunt Lily and Gracy cooked it for me with TLC

I will never forget these three (3) wonderful cooks from Allepey.

Gracy showing me the Choora which she bought fresh from a nearby Fish Stall in Allepey.

The Choora Achar while being cooked in Uruli.