Glossary Q
Deutsch: Quiche / Español: Quiche / Português: Quiche / Français: Quiche / Italiano: Quiche
Quiche in the food context refers to a savoury, open-faced pastry filled with a mixture of eggs, Milk or cream, and a variety of fillings such as cheese, vegetables, meat, or seafood. Originating from French cuisine, quiche is known for its rich, custard-like filling encased in a flaky, buttery crust.
Deutsch: Wachtel / Español: Codorniz / Português: Codorna / Français: Caille / Italiano: Quaglia
Quail in the food context refers to a small game bird that is widely consumed across various cuisines around the world. It is appreciated for its delicate, sweet, and slightly gamey flavor. Quail can be prepared in numerous ways, including roasted, grilled, and fried, and is often considered a delicacy in fine dining.
English: Pickled vegetables / Deutsch: Eingelegtes Gemüse / Español: Verduras en escabeche / Português: Legumes em conserva / Français: Légumes marinés / Italiano: Verdure sott'aceto /
Qursan is an Arabic dish which consists of dried thin wheat loafs which are saturated with gravy and cooked in a special way.