Kostelska rakija (Kostel's brandy). Kostelska rakija refers to afruit distillate which is made in the area of communities Kostel, Osilnica and Kocevje in Slovenia. The distillate is made of mixed fruit of apples and autochthonous pears. Fruit distillate, named Kostelskarakija, has unique characteristics because of the autochthonous fruit species and natural environment. The characteristics are shown in brandy´s well-recognized fragrance and in a nice taste. Depending on the sort of fruit used, there are four (4) types of brandy with their characteristic fragrances. 1. Sadjevec (Fruit Brandy) is mixed fruit with pleasant aroma, made of different sorts of fruit. 2. Slivovka (Plum Brandy) is one of excellent homemade brandies, made of plums. 3. Hruškovožganje (Pear Brandy) has a distinctive aroma and it is made of many sorts. 4. Jabolcnožganje (Apple Brandy) has a typical mild taste and it is made also of many varities of apples. Typical environment where fruit varieties grow for the Kostel’s brandy production are meadow orchards in Kostel and the upper Kostel valley. The knowledge for making brandy in Slovenia, passes from generation to generation. After picking up fruit, Kostelskarakija is produced based on double boiling technology.