Renkon is the Japanese word for "lotus roots". It is also known in as East Indian lotus, It is known in Japanese as Hasu.
The lotus root is a very popular ingredient in many Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese dishes, and it is appreciated for its visual appearance and its crunchy texture.
The following is the name of Lotus Root in different languages:
Chinese: lin, leen ngau, lianou
French:lotus sacré, feve d'Egypte, lis du Nil, rose du Nil, racines de lotus
German: Lotuswurzel, Indischer Lotus, Ägyptische Bohne
Hindi :kanwal, kamal
Indonesian: teratai, seroja merah, padma, pekaja
Italian:loto d'Egitto, giglio de nilo
Malay:teratai, serata, ubi teratai
Portuguese:lotus do Egipto
Spanish:loto sagrado, rosa del Nilo, haba de Egipto
Vietnamese:cu sen