Punjena Paprika
Punjena Paprika refers to a Croatian dish made of peppers, stuffed with a mix of meat and rice in tomato sauce. Punjena ingredients include of green or red capsicums, eggs, spices, salt, tomato, minced meat and rice.
Punjena Paprika or stuffed paprika is also a Balkan food and is called in varieties of names in different countries in the Balkans, namely:
Punjena Paprika in Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro;.
Polneti Piperki in Macedonia;.
Pulnena Paprika or Pulneni Chushki in Bulgaria;.
Ardei Umpluti in Romania.
It is a famous Balkan dish consisting of paprikas/peppers basically filled with mixture of meat and rice, however, there are already many variations of stuffed peppers across Balkan countries depending on each preference. Punjena Paprika is serve warm or cold.