Talakitok is the Filipino word for big-eye trevally fish; cavalla fish. The Filipinos use the word Talakitok to refer to various fishes having the following scientific names: * Alectis ciliaris * Alectis indicus * Alepes djedaba * Alepes kleinii * Alepes melanoptera * Alepes vari * Atropus atropos * Carangoides armatus * Carangoides bajad * Carangoides chrysophrys * Carangoides coeruleopinnatus * Carangoides equula * Carangoides ferdau * Carangoides fulvoguttatus * Carangoides hedlandensis * Carangoides malabaricus * Carangoides oblongus * Carangoides orthogrammus * Carangoides plagiotaenia * Carangoides talamparoides * Caranx ignobilis * Caranx lugubris * Caranx melampygus * Caranx papuensis * Caranx sexfasciatus * Caranx tille * Gnathanodon speciosus * Naucrates ductor * Pseudocaranx dentex * Seriola dumerili * Seriola rivoliana * Trachinotus baillonii * Trachinotus blochii * Ulua mentalis * Uraspis helvola * Uraspis uraspis Talakitok which is a salt water fish is usually grilled, fried or steamed. It may also be used as the main ingredient in such Filipino dishes like Sinigang (sour stew/soup) and Escabeche. Talakitok is sometimes dried and salted as well. Talakitok that is harvested from the lake surrounding Taal volcano is known as Maliputo. It is said that its flesh is flavored by the sulfur in the lava rocks. Another Tagalog name for the six-banded trevally Caranx sexfasciatus is Pinkit. In Thailand, Talakitok is called Pla Seekun.