Ugu refers to an African leafy vegetable used in soups or stews with a choice of meats, fish and other vegetables such as Egusi. Ugu leaves are often served with pounded yam. Ugu leaves are renowned for been rich in iron and vitamin C, needed for the production of blood and maintaining a good health. Dried ugu leaves are available in some African food shops. This leaf is generally known as pumpkin leaf. The Ibibio's in Nigeria call the leaf Nkong Ubong, Efiks call it Ikong Ubong Igbos named the leaf Ugu, the Ghanaians called it Krobonku and the Sierra Leonians - Gonugbe . This leaf is mostly cultivated in tropical Africa e.g. Ghana and Nigeria as well as in Sri lanka, India, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Anecdotal reports has it hat this is the most nutritious of all African soups. Ugu leaf is believed to be very rich in iron, and has been used, even by doctors to rapidly build up patients blood count within days of ingestion. The fresh leaf is also rich in vitamin C, magnesium and vitamin K, all necessary for strong immunity against diseases, strong bone, heart and optimal functioning of the blood clotting system. The high vegetable content also means high dietary fibre, good for sound bowel function and ideal in a weight control diet. Spinach can be used as an alternative or substitute for Ugu leaves