Deutsch: Florentiner Art / Español: A la florentina / Português: À florentina / Français: Florentine / Italian: Alla fiorentina

Florentine in the food context refers to a style of preparation that typically involves a dish being served with spinach and often a creamy sauce, such as Mornay sauce (a cheese-flavored béchamel). The term originates from Florence, Italy, and is commonly associated with dishes like Eggs Florentine or Chicken Florentine.


Florentine dishes are characterised by the inclusion of spinach as a key ingredient. This style of cooking is inspired by the cuisine of Florence, Italy, where spinach is a popular and traditional vegetable. Dishes labeled "Florentine" usually feature the main ingredient, such as eggs, chicken, or fish, served on a bed of sautéed or steamed spinach.

A classic example is Eggs Florentine, where poached eggs are placed on a bed of spinach and typically served on a toasted English muffin, all topped with a creamy sauce like Hollandaise or Mornay. Chicken Florentine is another popular dish, where chicken breasts are cooked and served with spinach and a creamy, often cheese-enhanced sauce.

The Florentine style emphasizes the use of fresh, simple ingredients that complement the spinach's slightly earthy flavor. While spinach is the defining component, other variations might include the use of a rich sauce, cheese, or additional ingredients like mushrooms, garlic, and onions to enhance the dish's complexity.

Application Areas

  • Main Courses: Florentine preparations are commonly used for main dishes such as chicken, fish, or beef, where the protein is served with spinach and a creamy sauce.
  • Egg Dishes: Eggs Florentine is a popular breakfast or brunch dish, often served in a similar manner to Eggs Benedict but substituting spinach for ham.
  • Pasta Dishes: Some pasta dishes also adopt the Florentine style, featuring spinach mixed with pasta and a creamy or cheese-based sauce.
  • Baking: Florentine tarts or quiches often incorporate spinach and a custard or cheese filling, following the Florentine preparation style.

Well-Known Examples

  • Eggs Florentine: A variation of Eggs Benedict, this dish features poached eggs and spinach on an English muffin, topped with Hollandaise or Mornay sauce.
  • Chicken Florentine: Chicken breasts cooked with spinach and served in a creamy sauce, often with a hint of garlic and Parmesan cheese.
  • Salmon Florentine: Salmon fillets served on a bed of spinach, usually with a lemony cream sauce, making for a lighter yet flavorful dish.
  • Florentine Pasta: A pasta dish that incorporates spinach into the sauce, often alongside cheese, garlic, and cream.

Treatment and Risks

Dishes prepared in the Florentine style are generally healthy, especially due to the inclusion of spinach, which is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, these dishes can also be high in calories and fat, particularly if made with a heavy cream or cheese sauce. Moderation is key, and opting for lighter sauce alternatives can make Florentine dishes a more balanced choice.

Similar Terms

  • à la Crème: Refers to dishes served with a cream sauce, similar to the creamy components often found in Florentine dishes.
  • Gratinéed: Refers to dishes topped with cheese or breadcrumbs and browned, which can sometimes be a part of Florentine-style dishes, especially when baked.
  • Provençal: A style of cooking from Provence that may involve tomatoes, garlic, and herbs, offering a different but complementary flavor profile to Florentine.


Florentine in the food context refers to dishes that prominently feature spinach, often served with a creamy sauce. Originating from Florence, Italy, this preparation style is popular in various dishes, including Eggs Florentine, Chicken Florentine, and pasta dishes. While rich in flavor and nutrients, Florentine dishes can also be indulgent, particularly when heavy sauces are used, making them a delicious but occasionally rich addition to a balanced diet.
