Deutsch: lauwarm / Español: tibio / Português: morno / Français: tiède / Italiano: tiepido

Lukewarm refers to a temperature that is moderately warm, typically around 37°C to 40°C (98°F to 104°F). In the food context, it describes a temperature that is neither hot nor cold, often used for specific cooking and preparation techniques.


In the food context, lukewarm refers to a temperature that is mildly warm, roughly between body temperature and slightly above. This term is often used when discussing liquids such as water, milk, or stock, as well as certain food ingredients that should be brought to a moderate warmth for optimal use in recipes. Lukewarm temperatures are crucial for certain culinary processes, such as dissolving yeast, blending ingredients, or preparing certain doughs and batters.

Lukewarm water is particularly significant in baking and cooking, as yeast thrives at these temperatures, facilitating proper fermentation and rise in bread making. Additionally, lukewarm liquids can help ingredients mix more smoothly and evenly without causing them to cook prematurely or clump together.

Special Characteristics

Lukewarm temperature is characterized by:

  • Moderate Warmth: It feels comfortably warm to the touch but not hot.
  • Optimal for Yeast Activation: Ideal for dissolving and activating yeast without killing it.
  • Smooth Mixing: Helps in blending ingredients evenly, especially in baking and certain culinary preparations.

Application Areas

  1. Baking: Lukewarm water or milk is used to activate yeast, ensuring proper fermentation and rise of dough.
  2. Beverage Preparation: Some teas and beverages are brewed or mixed with lukewarm water to preserve delicate flavors.
  3. Dough Making: Many bread and pastry recipes call for lukewarm liquids to create the right dough consistency.
  4. Marinating: Lukewarm liquids can help dissolve salts and sugars more effectively, improving the marinating process.

Well-Known Examples

  • Yeast Activation: Mixing lukewarm water with yeast and sugar to start the fermentation process for bread and other baked goods.
  • Beverages: Preparing drinks like herbal teas that require gentle steeping to avoid bitterness.
  • Dough Preparation: Using lukewarm milk or water to ensure dough mixes smoothly and rises properly.

Treatment and Risks

Using lukewarm temperatures requires careful attention to ensure it is within the correct range:

  • Temperature Control: It is essential to measure the temperature accurately to avoid exceeding the lukewarm range, which can deactivate yeast or affect ingredient mixing.
  • Consistency: Ensuring the liquid is uniformly lukewarm to prevent uneven activation or mixing.

Risks associated with improper lukewarm temperatures include:

  • Yeast Deactivation: Too hot liquids can kill yeast, preventing dough from rising.
  • Poor Mixing: Incorrect temperatures can lead to clumping or uneven distribution of ingredients.

Similar Terms

  • Room Temperature: Slightly cooler than lukewarm, usually around 20°C to 22°C (68°F to 72°F), often used for ingredients to be mixed without altering their state.
  • Warm: Generally warmer than lukewarm but not hot, typically around 40°C to 50°C (104°F to 122°F), used for specific culinary processes requiring higher temperatures.
  • Body Temperature: Around 37°C (98.6°F), often used interchangeably with lukewarm in certain contexts, especially in baking and cooking.


Lukewarm describes a mildly warm temperature, typically between 37°C and 40°C (98°F to 104°F), used in various culinary processes to ensure optimal mixing, fermentation, and ingredient blending. It is especially important in baking for activating yeast and in preparing beverages and doughs, requiring careful temperature control to maintain the desired outcomes.


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