English: String beans / Deutsch: Fisolen / Español: Judía verde / Português: Feijão-verde / Français: Haricot vert / Italiano: Fagiolini /
Sitaw is a Filipino word for String Beans. It is also sometimes also called Long Beans. Sitaw is one of the kinds/varieties of Vegetables (Gulay) in the Philippines. They are available all year-round in wet markets we call in the Philippines Palengke an even in supermarkets all over the Philippines. It is one of the versatile vegetables in the Country which can be cooked/prepared in many ways like the simple Ginisang Sitaw (Sauteed String Beans) , by sauteeing the broken/small strings with little amount of meat with chopped tomatoes, garlic and onions or even meatless. It can also be made into Adobo, cooked in vinegar, soy Sauce and minced garlic (Adobong Sitaw) and it is one of the ingredients for making Dinengdeng and any variety of Sinigang.
The Sitaw's long strings are broken or cut into smaller lengths about 3 to 4 inches before cooking. Some also cut them into much smaller pieces.
Sitaw is found in the markets always in a bunch or bunches, just like the picture below
Adobong Sitaw is my all time favorite from my mom's ktchen table when we all still live together in the Philippines. With or without any meat, just the Sitaw pieces cooked in vinegar, soysauce and garlic eaten with rice made me drool