Deutsch: Schweinefuß / Español: Manitas de cerdo / Português: Pé de porco / Français: Pied de porc / Italiano: Piedino di maiale

Trotter refers to the foot of a pig, cow, or sheep, used in cooking various traditional dishes around the world. Trotters are known for their rich, gelatinous texture when cooked, making them a popular ingredient in hearty stews and soups.


Trotter in the food context specifically refers to the feet of pigs, cows, or sheep used as an ingredient in various cuisines. Trotters are prized for their high collagen content, which, when cooked slowly, transforms into a rich, gelatinous texture that adds depth and body to dishes. This unique texture makes trotters ideal for use in soups, stews, and braised dishes.

In many cultures, trotters are considered a delicacy and are often prepared in traditional recipes. For instance, in Filipino cuisine, pig's trotters are a key ingredient in crispy pata, a deep-fried dish served with a soy-vinegar dipping sauce. In French cuisine, pieds de cochon (pig's feet) are typically braised or used in terrines. Similarly, in Korean cuisine, jokbal is a popular dish made from braised pig's trotters, seasoned with soy sauce and spices.


An interesting aspect of cooking with trotters is their ability to impart a rich, gelatinous quality to dishes. This is due to the high collagen content found in the skin, tendons, and cartilage. Slow cooking breaks down the collagen into gelatin, which thickens and enriches the dish, providing a luxurious mouthfeel and depth of flavor.

Application Areas

Trotters are utilized in various culinary contexts:

  • Soups and stews: Added to broths and stews for their gelatinous texture and rich flavor.
  • Braised dishes: Slow-cooked with herbs and spices to create tender, flavorful meals.
  • Deep-fried dishes: Prepared in crispy dishes like crispy pata in Filipino cuisine.
  • Terrines and pates: Used in French cuisine to add texture and flavor.

Well-Known Examples

Notable examples of dishes that feature trotters include:

  • Crispy Pata: A Filipino dish of deep-fried pig's trotters served with a soy-vinegar dipping sauce.
  • Pieds de Cochon: A French dish where pig's feet are braised or used in terrines.
  • Jokbal: A Korean dish of braised pig's trotters seasoned with soy sauce, garlic, and spices.
  • Pepper Pot: A traditional Caribbean stew that often includes cow's trotters for added richness.
  • Pickled Pig's Feet: A Southern American delicacy where pig's feet are pickled in vinegar and spices.

Treatment and Risks

While trotters are a rich source of collagen and can add significant flavor and texture to dishes, they also contain a high amount of fat and cholesterol. Therefore, it is important to consume them in moderation, especially for individuals with dietary restrictions related to fat and cholesterol intake. Proper cleaning and preparation are essential to ensure food safety when cooking with trotters.

Similar Terms

  • Ham Hocks: The lower part of a pig's leg, often used similarly to trotters in soups and stews.
  • Ox Feet: The feet of cattle, used in various traditional dishes around the world.
  • Pig’s Knuckles: Another term for pig’s feet, often used interchangeably with trotters.


Trotters, the feet of pigs, cows, or sheep, are a versatile ingredient known for their rich, gelatinous texture when cooked. They are used in a variety of traditional dishes worldwide, from Filipino crispy pata to French pieds de cochon and Korean jokbal. While they add depth and richness to many recipes, trotters should be consumed in moderation due to their high fat and cholesterol content. Proper preparation and cooking are essential for enjoying trotters safely and deliciously.


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