Deutsch: Vorspeise / Español: Aperitivo / Português: Antipasto / Français: Antipasto / Italiano: Antipasto /

Antipasto is an Italian term which means "before the meal", cold hors d'oeuvres served before an Italian meal, which might include cheese, raw or marinated vegetables, prosciutto with figs or melon, olives, seafood, breadsticks, etc. Antipasto refers to an appetizer course served prior to an Italian meal.

Traditionally served as a variety of hot or cold appetizers, antipasto may include a variety of small servings of rolled or sliced meats, such as salami, prosciutto, anchovies, smoked or pickled fish, selection of cheeses and marinated vegetables such as stuffed grape leaves, peppers, artichokes, eggplant, onions, zucchini, tomatoes, and olives.

Other definition:
Antipasto is the Italian term for hors d'oeuvre, appetizer, or starter which is served before the first course. l'antipasto, which literally means "before the meal," includes hot and cold appetizers such as crostini (small, thin slices of toasted bread with toppings such as pâté or cheese), bruschetta (bread dipped in olive oil, toasted, and covered with diced tomatoes and basil), and mozzarella in carrozza (fried mozzarella squares).

In some restaurants the antipasti are divided in (1) Antipasti di terra, starters consisting of sliced salami and crostini,
Affettati (sliced salami), etc. ; and (2) Antipasti di mare, starters, such as Acciughe, Muscoli, etc.

Antipasto is pronounced "ahn-tee-pah-stoh". Antipasti (plural)

Other definition:

Antipasto is an Italian term which means appetizer.

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