English: Lamb Trotter Soup / Deutsch: Lammfüße Suppe / Español: Sopa de pezuñas de cordero / Português: Sopa de pés de carneiro / Français: Soupe de pieds d'agneau / Italiano: Zuppa di zoccoli di agnello /
- Dil Paça (Çorbasi) : Dil Paça refers to a Turkish soup made with the tongue of a lamb or sheep that cooked in a meat stock. Paça means lamb's feet which is used for food and Dil is Turkish word for "Tongue". Dil Paça is a Turkish delicacy; a soup said to cure hangover and not for the fainted heart. To eat this Corbasi (soup), it is recommended to add a lot of garlic sauce, vinegar and red pepper shavings.