Dampfnudel refers to a German sweet which is a fluffy warm yeast dough with vanilla sauce

Other definition:

Dampfnudel are noodles baked in their own steam (pot with lid).

Dampfnudel are served with sauerkraut as a main course or with vanilla sauce as a dessert.

Production Area
Southern Germany

Food in Germany was very scarce during the Second World War. It was virtually impossible for ordinary people to obtain any type of meat. Many people lost their homes and possessions during bombing raids and were thus forced to move house. Women had to use their imagination together with their cooking skills in order to feed their families by using the few ingredients which were available. Their success was seen not only in helping their family to survive these dangerous times but also in coming up with a delicious and cheap meal which is still many people’s favourite meal four generations later.

500 g flour 150 g butter 2 eggs 250 ml milk (lukewarm) 5 g salt 2 tbsps sugar 20 g yeast 1 cup of milk (serves 4)

Mix 2/3 of the butter, the eggs, the flour, the lukewarm milk, one tbsp sugar, the salt and the yeast to form a dough and beat it until it bubbles. The dough must come away from the edge of the dish. Cover the dough and allow it to rise in a warm place. Roll out the dough until it is about half a centimetre thick. Cut out round shapes using a glass. Allow the dough to rise again on a floured surface. Add the cup of milk, the rest of the butter, a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt to a pan and bring to the boil. Place the dough noodles close to one another in the pan and bake in a pre-heated oven at 220 degrees for 30 minutes with the lid on. Finally, carefully remove the lid and serve the Dampfnudel immediately while they are still hot.

Season: all year round


* Leeb, Olli: Bayerische Leibspeisen,München 1999, Page 124

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