Glossary K

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Kamias', 'Kalkag', 'Kamoteng Kahoy'

Deutsch: Maniokblätter / Español: Hojas de yuca / Português: Folhas de mandioca / Français: Feuilles de manioc / Italiano: Foglie di manioca

Kamoteng Kahoy Leaves in the food context refer to the leaves of the cassava plant, also known as yuca or manioc. Cassava, scientifically named Manihot esculenta, is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its starchy tuberous root, which is a major source of carbohydrates. The leaves, often overlooked in some cuisines, are also edible and highly nutritious, rich in protein, vitamins (especially Vitamin A and Vitamin C), and minerals.

Kutsay is the Filipino term for "green leeks", a term for allium odorum, Chinese chives

Kasuy is the Filipino term for "Cashew". Its fruits can be eaten as is when fully ripe and the nuts (Buto ng Kasoy) ire also used and made into fried snacks.

Kasim is the Filipino word for the back portion of the pig.

Karihan is the Filipino term for "local restaurant" serving cheap dishes.

Kamaru refers to the traditional wedding feast which follows the wedding ceremony in South Africa.