Deutsch: Reistafel / Español: Mesa de arroz / Português: Mesa de arroz / Français: Table de riz / Italian: Tavola di riso

Rijsttafel is a Dutch word that translates to "rice table" and refers to a lavish dining experience that features a variety of Indonesian dishes served alongside rice. Originating during the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia, rijsttafel was created as a way to showcase the rich diversity of Indonesian cuisine. Today, it remains a popular way to enjoy a wide range of Indonesian dishes in one sitting, often involving a feast of small plates that include everything from spicy sambals and curries to fried foods and pickles.


Rijsttafel is a unique dining concept that blends Dutch and Indonesian culinary traditions. It typically consists of a large spread of various Indonesian dishes, all served at once, to be enjoyed with rice. The rice is central to the meal, and it is usually accompanied by a wide array of side dishes that can include meats, vegetables, seafood, and various condiments. These dishes are often seasoned with spices, coconut milk, and a variety of Indonesian herbs and ingredients, providing a full spectrum of flavors—sweet, spicy, tangy, and savory.

The concept of rijsttafel was originally developed by the Dutch to impress guests by offering a banquet that displayed the culinary diversity of the Indonesian archipelago. It allowed the colonizers to sample a variety of Indonesian foods in a single meal, combining influences from different regions and cultures within Indonesia. Today, rijsttafel is enjoyed not only in the Netherlands but also in Indonesian restaurants around the world, celebrated for its ability to bring together a rich tapestry of flavors and textures.

A typical rijsttafel might include dishes such as satay (grilled skewers), rendang (spicy beef stew), sambal goreng (spicy fried dishes), nasi goreng (fried rice), and various types of pickles and sambals (chili-based condiments). The presentation of rijsttafel is often elaborate, with the dishes served in small, individual portions on a long table, allowing diners to sample and mix flavors as they please.

Application Areas

  1. Cultural Celebrations: Rijsttafel is often served during special occasions, cultural events, and family gatherings as a way to celebrate Indonesian culinary heritage.

  2. Restaurant Offerings: Many Indonesian and Dutch-Indonesian restaurants around the world offer rijsttafel as a dining experience that showcases the variety of Indonesian cuisine.

  3. Tourist Experience: In Indonesia and the Netherlands, rijsttafel is sometimes offered as a tourist attraction, providing visitors with a taste of traditional Indonesian dishes.

  4. Culinary Events: Rijsttafel is featured in food festivals and culinary events, especially those focusing on Indonesian or Southeast Asian cuisine.

Well-Known Examples

  • Rendang: A slow-cooked, spicy beef dish that is one of the most famous components of a rijsttafel.
  • Satay: Grilled meat skewers served with a peanut sauce, commonly found in rijsttafel spreads.
  • Sambal: A spicy chili paste that comes in various forms and is used as a condiment in rijsttafel.
  • Nasi Goreng: Indonesian-style fried rice, often included in rijsttafel as a main component.
  • Gado-Gado: A salad of blanched vegetables, boiled eggs, and tofu, served with a peanut sauce, commonly part of the rijsttafel.

Treatment and Risks

Rijsttafel is generally safe and enjoyable for most people, but as with any meal that includes a variety of spicy dishes, it may not be suitable for those with sensitive stomachs or dietary restrictions. The richness of the food, particularly dishes containing coconut milk, fried components, and spicy sambals, can be heavy on digestion, so moderation is advised. Those with allergies to nuts, seafood, or specific spices should be cautious and inquire about ingredients used in the various dishes.

Similar Terms

  • Tumpeng: An Indonesian dish involving a cone-shaped rice dish with side dishes, often served at celebrations, similar to rijsttafel in its use of multiple side dishes.
  • Smörgåsbord: A Scandinavian meal with a variety of hot and cold dishes laid out buffet-style, similar to rijsttafel in concept but with different types of foods.
  • Banchan: Korean side dishes served along with cooked rice, which can be likened to the smaller dishes served in rijsttafel.


Rijsttafel is a Dutch-Indonesian dining tradition that features a vast array of Indonesian dishes served with rice, showcasing the rich and diverse flavors of the archipelago. Originally developed during the Dutch colonial period, rijsttafel is now a beloved way to experience Indonesian cuisine, offering a variety of textures and tastes in one elaborate meal. Whether enjoyed in restaurants or at cultural events, rijsttafel remains a unique and flavorful celebration of Indonesia's culinary heritage.


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