Deutsch: Schmetterlingsschnitt / Español: Pollo abierto / Português: Frango aberto / Français: Poulet en crapaudine / Italiano: Pollo spatchcock

Spatchcocked in the food context refers to a method of preparing poultry, typically a chicken or turkey, by removing the backbone and flattening the bird. This technique allows the bird to cook more evenly and quickly, particularly when grilling or roasting. By spreading the bird out flat, the heat reaches all parts more uniformly, ensuring crispy skin and moist, tender meat. Spatchcocking is a popular method for achieving faster and more efficient cooking, especially when grilling or roasting whole poultry.


Spatchcocking is a culinary technique that involves cutting along the backbone of a bird (such as a chicken, turkey, or game bird) and removing it entirely. After the backbone is removed, the bird is flattened by pressing down on the breastbone, creating an even surface. This preparation allows the bird to cook more quickly and evenly, as the heat can circulate more efficiently around the entire bird.

The benefits of spatchcocking are twofold: the bird cooks faster, and the skin becomes evenly crisp, while the meat stays juicy. This method is particularly useful for grilling, as it maximises the surface area that comes into contact with the heat. It is also ideal for roasting, as it reduces the cooking time compared to leaving the bird whole.

While spatchcocking is traditionally done with chicken, the technique can be applied to other poultry, including turkey, duck, and even smaller birds like Cornish hens. The method enhances the bird's flavour and texture by allowing it to cook at a consistent rate, preventing overcooking of some parts while undercooking others, which can be a problem with whole birds.

Special Considerations

Spatchcocking requires a sharp pair of kitchen shears or a sturdy knife to remove the backbone and flatten the bird. It’s a straightforward process, but care should be taken to ensure the bird is evenly flattened to promote uniform cooking.

When spatchcocking, it’s also important to consider the seasoning. Flattening the bird provides a larger surface area for rubs, marinades, or spices to be applied, enhancing the flavour of both the skin and the meat.

Application Areas

  1. Grilling: Spatchcocked chicken is ideal for grilling, as the flattened bird cooks evenly and quickly, with the skin becoming crispy while the meat stays tender.
  2. Roasting: Spatchcocking is commonly used for roasting poultry in the oven, allowing for faster cooking times and more even browning compared to a whole bird.
  3. Barbecuing: Flattened birds are perfect for barbecuing, as they allow for consistent heat distribution, making them easier to manage on a grill or smoker.
  4. Holiday Cooking: Spatchcocking is becoming a popular method for cooking turkeys at Thanksgiving or Christmas, reducing the cooking time and ensuring even doneness.

Well-Known Examples

  • Spatchcocked Chicken: A popular dish where the chicken is marinated, flattened, and grilled or roasted until golden and crisp. It’s often seasoned with herbs, garlic, and lemon for added flavour.
  • Spatchcocked Turkey: Increasingly popular for holiday meals, a spatchcocked turkey cooks faster and more evenly than a traditional whole turkey, resulting in a crispy skin and juicy meat.
  • Grilled Spatchcocked Duck: Flattened and grilled, this preparation results in crispy duck skin and evenly cooked, tender meat.

Risks and Challenges

One challenge of spatchcocking is ensuring the bird is flattened evenly. If the bird is not properly prepared, some areas may cook faster than others, leading to uneven results. It’s also important to use sharp kitchen shears or a knife to safely remove the backbone and avoid damaging the meat.

Another consideration is managing the cooking time. While spatchcocking speeds up the cooking process, it requires careful attention to prevent overcooking, especially on high-heat grills or in ovens.

Similar Terms

  • Butterflying: A similar technique used in cooking, but it generally refers to slicing meat (like chicken breasts or pork) in half and spreading it open like a book. In spatchcocking, the entire bird is flattened.
  • Roasting: Cooking food, particularly meats or vegetables, in the oven, but without flattening the poultry as in spatchcocking.
  • Grilling: Cooking food directly over heat, where spatchcocking is often applied for more even and faster cooking.


In the food context, spatchcocked refers to a method of preparing poultry by removing the backbone and flattening the bird, which allows for quicker, more even cooking. This technique is especially popular for grilling and roasting, where the flattened bird cooks faster and results in crispy skin and tender meat. Spatchcocking is commonly used with chicken, turkey, and other poultry, offering a practical and efficient way to prepare whole birds for various dishes.
