Glossary A
Deutsch: Arroz Caldo / Español: Arroz Caldo / Português: Arroz Caldo / Français: Arroz Caldo / Italian: Arroz Caldo
Arroz Caldo is a traditional Filipino rice porridge, often served as a comforting meal. Its name, derived from Spanish, literally means "rice broth," but its preparation and flavour are distinctly Filipino, incorporating local ingredients and spices.
Deutsch: Albay / Español: Albay / Português: Albay / Français: Albay / Italian: Albay
Albay is a province in the Bicol Region of the Philippines, renowned for its rich culinary heritage that reflects the unique flavours and traditions of the area. The province is particularly famous for its use of chili peppers and coconut Milk, which are staples in many of its traditional dishes.
Ammi kallu --->Ammikallu
Deutsch: Mandel / Español: Almendra / Português: Amêndoa / Français: Amande / Italiano: Mandorla
Almond is a versatile and nutrient-dense seed commonly referred to as a nut. It is widely used in various culinary applications, offering both nutritional benefits and flavour.
Deutsch: Atay / Español: Atay / Português: Atay / Français: Atay / Italiano: Atay
Atay is a type of Moroccan tea, more commonly known as mint tea. It is a traditional North African drink made with green tea, fresh mint leaves, and sugar, and is an integral part of Moroccan culture and hospitality.
Deutsch: Australien / Español: Australia / Português: Austrália / Français: Australie / Italiano: Australia
Australia boasts a diverse and vibrant food culture that reflects its rich history, multicultural population, and unique geographical features. Australian cuisine is a blend of Indigenous ingredients and cooking methods, British influences, and a myriad of culinary traditions brought by immigrants from around the world.