Glossary A

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Assado a Portuguese cooking term which means "Roasted"

English: Sour rice cake / Deutsch: Saurer Reiskuchen / Español: Pastel de arroz agrio / Português: Bolo de arroz azedo / Français: Gâteau de riz acide / Italiano: Torta di riso acida /

Agkud refers to the traditional rice or sugar cane wine of highlanders from Luzon and Mindanao islands of the Philippines.

Asam Jawa is the Indonesia word for "Tamarind ": it is also known simpley as Asam

Anmitsu refers to a Japanese dessert consisting of small cubes of agar agar. Agar agar or agar is a kind of jelly that is made from seaweed and used in cooking. Anmitsu is served with

Ashta is a form of Clotted cream made by skimming boiling milk. It is used in many Lebanese sweets, especially nuraset or ladies arms and Rose of Damascus.

Agda refers to Yemen dish made of lamb meat cooked with vegetables, tomato sauce and spices. It is served in Yemen as main