Glossary G
Griesciai is the Lithuanian term for "Parsnips".
Grümmel Kandis refers to a variety of German candy sugar that has been broken into small pieces. It is highly aromatic and has a strong caramel flavor. , Grümmel Kandis is an absolutely multi-talented sugar variety.
Grümmel Kandis are ideal for baking honey cakes, gingerbread and Printen, a kind of biscuit and a specialty of Aachen, Germany and for decorating biscuits.
Goro Wafers refers to Norway's thin dough made of eggs, flour, cream, and vanilla which is cut to fit the patterned Goro iron pan. When the Goro pan's two (2) sides are pressed together, a pattern is baked on, and then it is quickly rolled into crisp tubes while hot. The Goro Wafer is a coffee treat.