Glossary D
Deutsch: Dim Sum / Español: Dim Sum / Português: Dim Sum / Français: Dim Sum / Italiano: Dim Sum
Dimsum refers to a variety of small, bite-sized dishes traditionally associated with Cantonese cuisine, served as part of a meal often enjoyed with tea. These dishes can be steamed, fried, or baked and include a wide array of savoury and sweet items. Dimsum is typically served in bamboo baskets or on small plates in a communal dining setting.
Deutsch: Verdaulichkeit / Español: Digestibilidad / Português: Digestibilidade / Français: Digestibilité / Italiano: Digeribilità
Digestibility in the food context refers to how easily food can be broken down and absorbed by the digestive system. Foods with high digestibility provide nutrients quickly and efficiently, while those with low digestibility may require more energy and time to break down, sometimes causing digestive discomfort or issues with nutrient absorption.
Deutsch: Geschirrspülen / Español: Lavado de platos / Português: Lavagem de pratos / Français: Lavage de vaisselle / Italiano: Lavaggio dei piatti
Dishwashing in the food context refers to the process of cleaning dishes, utensils, cookware, and kitchen equipment used in food preparation and dining. This essential kitchen task involves removing food residue, grease, and bacteria from items to maintain hygiene, prevent cross-contamination, and ensure a safe and pleasant dining experience. Dishwashing can be done manually or with the aid of dishwashers, each method requiring specific techniques and cleaning agents.
Deutsch: Desinfektion / Español: Desinfección / Português: Desinfecção / Français: Désinfection / Italiano: Disinfezione
Disinfecting in the food context refers to the process of eliminating harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, from surfaces, equipment, and tools used in food preparation and handling. This practice is essential to food safety, as it helps prevent cross-contamination, reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses, and ensures a clean environment for food processing and preparation.
Deutsch: Dekoration / Español: Decoración / Português: Decoração / Français: Décoration / Italiano: Decorazione
Decoration in the food context refers to the practice of enhancing the visual appeal of a dish by adding elements or arranging ingredients in a way that makes the food more attractive and aesthetically pleasing. Food decoration involves garnishing, plating, and presenting food with artistic flair, often using edible or non-edible items to complement the dish’s flavour and texture while engaging the sense of sight.
Deutsch: Bestäuben / Español: Espolvorear / Português: Polvilhar / Français: Saupoudrage / Italiano: Spolverare
Dusting in the food context refers to the process of lightly sprinkling a fine layer of a dry ingredient, such as powdered sugar, cocoa powder, flour, or spices, over the surface of a dish. This technique is used for various purposes, including enhancing the appearance of a dish, adding a touch of flavour, or preventing sticking during baking.