Glossary F
Deutsch: Frische / Español: Frescura / Português: Frescura / Français: Fraîcheur / Italiano: Freschezza
Freshness in the food context refers to the state of a food item being recently harvested, prepared, or produced, retaining its natural flavours, nutrients, and textures. Fresh food has not been processed, preserved, or exposed to significant degradation due to time or storage, making it more appealing and often healthier.
Deutsch: Filet / Español: Filete / Português: Filé / Français: Filet / Italiano: Filetto
Fillet refers to a boneless cut of meat or fish that has been separated from the bones and typically trimmed of any excess fat or skin. In the food context, fillets are prized for their tenderness, ease of cooking, and versatility in various dishes. Common types of fillets include fish fillets, beef fillets (such as tenderloin), and chicken breast fillets.
Deutsch: Sahne / Español: Nata / Português: Nata / Français: Crème / Italiano: Panna
Fløde is a Danish term for cream, a dairy product that is the high-fat layer skimmed from the top of milk before homogenisation. It is commonly used in a variety of culinary applications, including cooking, baking, and as an accompaniment to desserts and beverages. In Danish cuisine, fløde is prized for its rich, smooth texture and ability to add flavour and creaminess to dishes.
Deutsch: Französische Kochbegriffe / Español: Término de cocina francés / Português: Termo de culinária francês / Français: Terme de cuisine française / Italiano: Termine di cucina francese
A French cooking term refers to a word or phrase used in the culinary arts that originates from the French language, which is known for its rich culinary tradition and influence on global cooking techniques. French cooking terms are used worldwide to describe specific methods, ingredients, or preparations, reflecting the detailed and refined nature of French cuisine.
Deutsch: Florentiner Art / Español: A la florentina / Português: À florentina / Français: Florentine / Italian: Alla fiorentina
Florentine in the food context refers to a style of preparation that typically involves a dish being served with spinach and often a creamy sauce, such as Mornay sauce (a cheese-flavored béchamel). The term originates from Florence, Italy, and is commonly associated with dishes like Eggs Florentine or Chicken Florentine.
Deutsch: Festigkeit / Español: firmeza / Português: firmeza / Français: fermeté / Italiano: fermezza
Firmness is a key attribute in food texture, referring to the resistance a food item provides against deformation or pressure. It is an essential quality parameter in various foods, influencing consumer perception and acceptance.