Glossary G
Granzeola is the Italian term for spider crab. It is better known as grancevola
Gamberetto is the Italian word for shrimp, prawn or crayfish
Gamberetto is pronounced "gahn-beh-reht-toh"
Gamberetto is pronounced "gahn-beh-reht-toh"
Gamberoni is the Italian term that refers to "large prawns".
Gamberoni is pronounced "gahn-beh-roh-nee"
Gamberoni is pronounced "gahn-beh-roh-nee"
Ghiotta also known as alla ghiotta is the Italian term for foods basted with seasonings while in the process of grilling or
Gallina is the Italian wor for hen, guinea fowl, bantam, or chicken. Hen is a female chicken or female fow