Glossary V

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Vetsin refers to a white crystalline compound used as a food additive to enhance the flavor of dishes. Vetsin is also known as MSG or monosodium glutamate and is often used in Asian cooking. Vetsin is a cooking term used in Reunionese cooking and is also the term used in the Philippines to refer to MSG or monosodium glutamate. A famous brand of Vetsin in the Philippines is called Aji-No-Moto.

Vin de Cilaos/ Cilaos Wine refers to Reunion Island sweet wine that is produced in small amounts in the high parts of the island. It may not have the qualities of a Grand Cru, but the producers are working hard to improve it.

Verde de Papa refers to a Peruvian juicy potato soup, prepared with potatoes, eggs, cheese, spiced with wormseed (Paico) leaves, herbs, parsley and hot chili pepper.

Verscholen Eieren is the Dutch term which literally means "Hidden Eggs", actually refers to a dish made of eggs covered with a dough/batter, dipped into scrambled egg and bread crumbs and deep-fried. The dish is called "Hidden" eggs since the whole hard -boiled eggs must be covered generously by the mixture or batter made of bread soaked in milk, minced veal, egg yolk and then rolled again in breadcrumbs to hide the eggs. I love this recipe, can be good for any meal time and can also be served as savory snacks or with vegetables salads as a side dish. I would love to cook this recipe one day, when my grandson visit us, I am sure he will love this. 4 hardboiled eggs 1 slice white bread 100 grams ground veal salt, pepper, nutmeg fine breadcrumbs 1/10 liter milk 1 egg fat to deep-fry Remove the crust and soak the bread in the milk, then squeeze to remove the surplus. Separate the one raw egg, and in a bowl add the yolk to the veal and bread. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Thoroughly mix all ingredients. Divide the mix into four parts and roll each into a flat piece big enough to wrap around an egg. Make sure that the egg is completely covered and the ground veal shows no seams. Add a tablespoon of water to the egg white and beat it lightly. Roll the egg balls through the egg white and the fine breadcrumbs (or pulverized rusks). Deep-fry the hidden eggs till the meat is browned and drain them on absorbent paper. Cut the eggs in half and serve them with salad.

Vanier Japanese Plum refers to a variety of Japanese plum ; a nice bright red plum with high quality, orangish-yellow flesh. It is sweet and very juicy. It is semi-clingstone and only medium sized. It ripens in mid-summer with Wickson and Satsuma. It can be used in making desserts or for canning or freezing.

N'voufou refers to Ivory Coast dish made of mashed bananas or yams mixed with palm oil and served with eggplant sauce. N'voufou is s pronounced "foo-fue".