Glossary A

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Aloyau is the French term for "Sirloin" or boned sirloin, as in Rosbif d'Aloyau. It is a type of beef cut. The loin area of beef; beef sirloin, butcher's cut that includes the rump and contre-filet. Aloyau is the best beef cut for roasting. Aloyau is pronounced "ah-loh-yoh"

Deutsch: Avocado Birne / Español: Pera de aguacate / Português: Pera de abacate / Français: Avocat Poire / Italiano: Avocado pera /

Avocado Pear is another name for Avocado (Persea americana) which is also known as Alligator Pear. Avocado Pear is an oval, green to blackish-skinned fruit, almost the same size and shape of a pear. It has a single stone. When ripe, its flesh has a buttery texture with a rich nutty flavor. Ripe fruits of Avocados can be eaten alone, used in salads and sandwiches, pureed for fruit shakes or smoothies, and ice cream. The Mexican species have an anised-scented leaves which are used in cooking in Central America, including Mexico and it is also used in the production of Avocado Oil for food and cosmetic purposes. Avocado Pear is available in many varieties which are present all over the world.

Agbono Beans refer to ground seeds which is used for its thickening properties. Like Okra and Baobab, it gives a sauce the popular slippery texture. Moreover, Agbono refer to the dry seeds from the African mango, ground to a smooth paste before using

Alcachofa is the Spanish word for "Artichoke". In Spain artichokes are made into a casserole (Alcachofas a la Cazuela ), Alcachofa a Vinagreta (Artichokes with vinaigrette ), and many other dishes depending on Spain's regional cooking, Sevilla and Cordoba, for instance has each own style of cooking Alcachofas (Artichokes). Alcachofa is pronounced "ahl-kah-choh-fah".

Achappam refers to a traditional, sweet and crunchy snack of Kerala, India. Special flower shaped metallic moulds are dipped into a slightly sweet liquid mixture of rice flour, sugar, egg and coconut milk. The moulds are then dipped in hot coconut oil to get crispy, fried Achappams.

Aji Limon refers to a variety of Chile Pepper