Glossary A

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Atr refers to an Arabic sugar syrup, that is sometimes scented with orange and is used to flavor desserts. Likewise, Atr is a sugar syrup usually flavored with citrus or rosewater. Atr is pronounced "ah-ter"

Azeite is the Portuguese word for "Olive", Olive Oil and "Oil" Olive oil is also called Azeite de Oliva in Portugal. Beside the Olive Oil, there are a number of oil used for culinary purposes in Portugal, namely: 1. Azeite de Amendoim - peanut oil 2. Azeite de Gergelim - sesame oil 3. Oleo de Girassol - sunflower oil 4. Oleo de Milho - corn oil 5. Azeite de Dendê - palm oil

Asam is the Indonesian term for "Tamarind " (Tamarindus indica). Asam is the fruit of the tamarind tree. If asked for Asam water is made by taking a piece of tamarind and soak in 1-2 tablespoons of water. Rub fruit flesh of the pits and use the water. In Indonesia, for fish or chicken, the Asam is used instead of lemon juice, rub the Asam directly into the fish. Asam is now available in paste so it is much easier and faster to use Asam to cook dish that requires an Asam. Asam is called the same in Malaysia, Makham in Thai and Sampalok by the Filipinos. Sampalok is used in the Philippines as souring agent for Sinigang recipes and also made into sweet candies or eaten as is. In Germany it is very rare for me to find fresh sweet tamarinds, but some groceries carry fresh , sweet tamarinds still in its shell in small packages. The last time I was able to eat fresh Tamarind was a year ago, 100 gram pack cost 10 euros and imported from Thailand. Tamarid is one of the fruits I miss living in Germany, in the Philippines, when in season, they can be pruchased very cheap.

Azifa refers to an Ethiopian dish which is made from lentils that are blended with oil, lemon, onions, green peppers and spices.

Ar-arosep refers to edible green seaweeds that looks like very tiny green grapes. Fresh from the market, it should be washed thoroughly, and then it can be made into a salad by just adding sliced tomatoes and onions. Personal Note: This is a very delicious seaweeds that I have ever tasted in my life that never taste sea at all. If available, I love to have it as salad. This is God's wonderful creation. It looks so beautiful and tasting so good.