Glossary A

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Deutsch: Aroma / Español: Aroma / Português: Aroma / Français: Arôme / Italiano: Aroma /

Aroma is referring to the fragrance produced by freshly brewed coffee. Like body, flavor, and acidity, aroma is one of the principal categories used by professional tasters when evaluating coffees.

Ankola is referring to the market name which is seldom used for arabica coffee that is coming from northern Sumatra.

Antigua is referring to the market name of one of the most distinguished coffees of Guatemala, that is from the valley surrounding the old capital of Guatemala Antigua.

Aquapulp refers to the procedure in which the sticky fruit pulp, or mucilage, is removed from freshly picked coffee beans by scrubbing in machines.

Arabian mocha is referring to the single-origin coffee from the southwestern tip of the Arabian peninsula, bordering the Red Sea, in the mountainous regions of present-day Yemen.

Arabica also known as Coffea Arabica refers to the earliest cultivated species of coffee tree and still the most widely grown.