Glossary A
Agave refers to a family of plants native to warmer climates from the southwest United States through Central America that are used as an ingredient to produce the syrup for a variety of beverages, such as mescal, pulque, and tequila.
Acetic acid refers to a natural organic acid that is used in sugar and confectionery recipes, in pavlovas, as a stabilizer for the eggs, and in royal icing to help the icing set.
Affettati Misti is an Italian term that refers to a platter of a selecion of cold cuts often served as an appetizer or antipasti which differs from region to region in Italy and elsewhere. Affettati Misti generally consist of varieties of cold cuts such as Capocollo, Mortadella, Pancetta, Salami, Prosciutto, or Pancetta or other varieties.
Affettati misti refers to Italian mix or assortments of sliced cold meats, hams or prosciutto, mortadella and salamis. It is also known as Piatto fredo