Glossary B

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Burro fuso', 'Batwan / Batuan', 'Banana'
Bay Salt refers to kind of coarse large crystal salt, taking its name from the salt that formerly was made in pits by the overflow or letting in of the sea at the head of Bays, and which was evaporated by the heat of the sun. Almost all the fish cured in France at the present day is done by this kind of salt. This is also the kind of salt used in making fermented fish paste in the Philippines and the common salt used in the Philippines for cooking. Bay Salt is also called Sea Salt, Sel de Mer, or Sale Marino.

Butterbur refers to a perennial shrub, found throughout Europe as well as parts of Asia and North America. It is usually found in wet, marshy ground, in damp forests, and adjacent to rivers or streams. The leaves of the plant are responsible for its botanical and common names. The common name is attributed to the large leaves being used to wrap butter during warm weather. Butterbur which is called Fuki in Japan is a spring delicacy in the country. Butterbur is also known as Blatterdock, bog rhubarb, bogshorns, butcher's rhubarb, butterbur coltsfoot, butterburr, butter-dock, butterdock, butterfly dock, capdockin, coughwort, donnhove, European pestroot, exwort, flapper-bags, flapperdock, fuki, horsehoof, langwort, paddy's rhubarb, pestwurz, petasites, petasites flower, petasites leaf, petasites rhizome, Petasitidis hybridus, Petasites officinalis, Petasites ovatus, Petasites vulgaris, petasitidis folium (flower), petasitidis rhizoma (rhizome), plaguewort, purple butterbur, sweet coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara, Tussilago hybrida, Tussilago petasites, umbrella leaves, umbrella plant, western coltsfoot, wild rhubarb, Japanese rhubarb.

Buff refers to water buffalo in Nepal. Water Buffalo is the traditional and popular meat choice of the Nepalis and the Newari people.

Borani refers to a main course meat dish from Georgia which combines separately prepared chickens Tapaka and a considerable quantity of vegetables stewed separately in Matsoni . The vegetables used in Borani are spinach, string beans and eggplants with a lot of spices. Traditionally, the cooked vegetables are divided into two (2), one half is used to put the piece of chicken on it and the other half to make as the chicken topping. The dish is then seasoned with Matsoni with saffron infusion and cinnamon.

Baraf is Urdu for "Ice", a frozen liquid used to cool beverages, wine, drinking water. Aids is preservation and cooling also of foods Urdu is the national language of Pakistan.

Banh Hoi refers to a Vietnamese dish of flattened vermicelli rice noodles served with meat, topped with fried scallions and crushed peanuts.