Glossary C

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Chipotle chili refers to smoked jalapeno chili with sweet, smoky flavor. Chipotle chilis are available dried - colorados and mecos varieties

Convenience food refers to any packaged dish or food that can be prepared quickly and easily as by thawing or heating, especially using a microwave

Deutsch: Seelenessen / Español: Comida reconfortante / Português: Comida reconfortante / Français: Comfort food / Italiano: Cibo confortante /

Comfort food refers to a food that is simply prepared and gives a sense of wellbeing. It is typically food with a high sugar or carbohydrate content that is associated with childhood or with home cooking.

Comfort Food refers to a spirit and soul-satisfying food which may bring up comforting memories of particular times or people. My comfort food is Tortang Patatas and Arroz Caldo. It brings back many memories of my childhood and many Christmases with my whole family, especially my father and my mother who did everything and sacrifice a lot so we can all survive.

Chinese kway teow is fried flat rice noodles that is one of Singapore's street food

Chelow refers to Iran's saffron-steamed rice
Chelow khoresh refers to Iranian dish made of Chelow, which is heaped on each dinner plate with the khoresh served on top.