Glossary P

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Deutsch: Pekannuss / Español: Nuez pecana / Português: Noz-pecã / Français: Noix de pécan / Italiano: Noce pecan

Pecan refers to the edible nut produced by the pecan tree (Carya illinoinensis), native to North America. It is widely used in cooking, especially in desserts and baked goods, but also as a snack or in savoury dishes. Pecan nuts are known for their rich, buttery flavour and nutritional value, being high in healthy fats, vitamins, and antioxidants. In the food context, they are particularly popular in American cuisine, especially in the southern United States.

Deutsch: Krug / Español: Jarra / Português: Jarra / Français: Pichet / Italiano: Brocca

Pitcher in the food context refers to a large container with a spout and handle, typically used for serving beverages like water, juice, iced tea, or cocktails. Pitchers are designed to hold and pour liquids easily, and they are commonly made from materials such as glass, plastic, ceramic, or metal. They are a practical and aesthetic choice for serving drinks in family settings, restaurants, or gatherings.

Deutsch: Kaki / Español: Caqui / Português: Caqui / Français: Kaki / Italiano: Cachi

Persimmons in the food context refer to a type of sweet, fleshy fruit that belongs to the genus Diospyros. They are known for their bright orange colour, honey-like sweetness, and smooth, glossy skin. Persimmons are consumed both raw and cooked and are used in various culinary applications, particularly in desserts, salads, and baked goods. The two most common varieties are Fuyu and Hachiya persimmons.

Deutsch: Tragbar / Español: Portátil / Português: Portátil / Français: Portable / Italiano: Portatile

Portable in the food context refers to food items or meals that are easy to transport, convenient to carry, and can be consumed on the go without the need for extensive preparation or special equipment. Portable foods are designed to be convenient, making them ideal for busy lifestyles, travel, or outdoor activities.

Deutsch: Schälen / Español: Pelar / Português: Descascar / Français: Épluchage / Italiano: Pelare

Peeling in the food context refers to the process of removing the outer skin, rind, or layer from fruits, vegetables, and other foods before cooking or consumption. Peeling is typically done to improve the texture, taste, or appearance of the food, as the skin is often tougher or may contain dirt, pesticides, or other substances that are undesirable for eating.

Deutsch: Konservierung / Español: Conservación / Português: Conservação / Français: Conservation / Italiano: Conservazione

Preservation in the food context refers to the methods and processes used to prevent food from spoiling, allowing it to last longer while maintaining its quality, safety, and nutritional value. The goal of food preservation is to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, slow down oxidation, and prevent enzymatic changes that can cause food to decay or lose its freshness.