Glossary A

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Akpeteshie refers to distilled palm wine from Ghana. It is one of alcoholic drinks consumed in Ghana during festive occassions or just for recreational drinking at night.

Avocat aux Crevettes refers to Senegalese appetizer of avocado stuffed or filled with shrimps. Avocat aux Crevettes is made by mixing mashed avocado and cooked chick peas or black eyed peas combined with shrimp, lemon juice, yoghurt and garnishes, like chopped onions, hard boiled eggs, lettuce, etc. Salads are often eaten after the main course in Senegal.

Arnibal is a thick and chewy syrup which is made by boiling together brown sugar and water until it reach a thick consistency. Arnibal is used as sweetener for different kind of Filipino snacks/sweets/desserts, like Taho and topping for baked products line Pederal.

Acepipes Variados is the Portuguese for "appetizers" which might include everything from fish like swordfish and tuna, olives, soups, etc.

Ameijoas is the Portuguese word for "baby clams", a kind of seafood/edible seashell) used in varieties of Portuguese dishes like Porco con Ameijoas, Porco com Ameijoas à Alentejana, Açorda com Amêijoas, etc.