Glossary A

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Atap refers to the Bengali term which literally means untouched by heat which denotes or described husked rice which has not been parboiled. Atap is used for making various sweet or savory dishes

Apokti refers to one of the authentic and traditional meat products from Cyprus that is made from goat meat. Goat meat is taken from young animals under the age of two (2) years. Once the animal is slaughtered, the entrails and the head are removed. The meat is then washed and salted before it is left to dry naturally under the sun. When fully dried, it is cut into small pieces, washed with water and fried in moderate temperature with the addition of mint. Apokti is mostly served with vegetables.

Anari Cheese refers to a Cyprus cheese that is similar to Ricotta. Anari which is categorized as a soft cheese is mainly used as a dessert along with carob syrup or honey. When salted Anari becomes mature and is used as grated cheese for pasta.

Anafres refer to one of a traditional Honduras appetizers comprised of hot black beans and cheese, served with chips. Anafres is a Honduran appetizer made with refried black bean and cheese fondue, served hot over coals in a clay pot. Usually, peppers and/or chorizo can be also added. Anafres which is used for dipping is generally accompanied by tortilla chips. Anafres is pronounced "ah-nah-fress". It is also known as Anafre or Black Bean Fondue.

Alföldi Gulyás refers to Hungarian soup made with potatoes, carrots and parsnip.

Afra is a Gambian cooking term which signifies "barbecued food". Afra is Gambia's version of barbecue made usually of barbacued lamb seasoned with chopped onions, chili powder, chili powder, salt and food seasonings (like maggi cubes). Afra can also be made with chicken, goat or fish. The dish can be described as being similar to a barbecue.