Glossary H

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Hardic refers to Albanian drink that is made from Wild berries

English: Red Bean Paste / Deutsch: Rote Bohnen Paste / Español: Pasta de Frijol Rojo / Português: Pasta de Feijão Vermelho / Français: Pâte de Haricots Rouges / Italiano: Pasta di Fagioli Rossi /

Hong is a Vietnamese term meaning "persimmon".

Hatche miso also known as Mame miso is a type of miso that is aged up to 3 years.

Hackbraten is a German word for meatloaf
Hauptgericht is a German word which means "main course", served after the hors-d'oeuvre.

Haeko pronounced as hey-ko, refers to a black color molasses-like paste used in Nyonyan cooking