Glossary M
Michelin Green Guides are published for, and about, different regions of France, and for some major cities, from Paris to New York. Each guide has amazing information about the title subject, not only the sites and museums, but historical, geographical and any other information relevant to that place.
Michelin Green Guide has nothing to do with restaurant star systems
Melokhia refers to a green leafy vegetable which is chopped and cooked in soups. Melokhia is one of Egypt's favorite foods.
The Melokhia or Jew's Mallow is an herb in the larger family of the mint called from the corchorus plant. It is a rather bitter herb with a natural thickening agent.
Melokhia has been known as a popular food in Egypt since the time of the Pharaohs, and later spread to countries in the Levant.
Melokhia is also known as Mulukhiyya or Mulukhiyyah.