Glossary F

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Food', 'Fruit', 'French'
Fruchtgemüse is a German word for fruit vegetables, examples are tomate, aubergine, zuchermais, and others
Farce is a French cooking term for stuffing.

Faszle refers to Albanian white bean soup
Fesenjan is a type of Iranian stew made with duck or chicken, pomegranate juice and walnuts
Other definition:
Fesenjan refers to an Arabic stew made with a very rich sauce of grinded walnuts and pomegranate puree and onion to provide a bedding for steamed chicken.

Fruit juice concentrates refers to fruit concentrates made by
cooking down peach, pineapple, grape, and pear juices to produce a sweeter and more concentrated product.

Fak thong sang kha ya refers to Thai squash custard