Glossary N

The food glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Nilagang mais', 'Nilaga', 'Nanohana / Na No Hana'

Deutsch: Gekochte Erdnüsse / Español: Maní hervido / Português: Amendoim cozido / Français: Cacahuètes bouillies / Italiano: Arachidi bollite

Nilagang Mani in the food context refers to boiled peanuts, a popular snack in various parts of the world, including the Philippines. Unlike the roasted peanuts more commonly found in Western snack foods, nilagang mani are raw peanuts boiled in their shells in salted water until they become soft and infused with flavor. This method of preparation results in a unique, somewhat earthy taste and a tender texture that distinguishes boiled peanuts from their crunchy, roasted counterparts.

Deutsch: Gekochte Erdnüsse / Español: Maní hervido / Português: Amendoim cozido / Français: Cacahuètes bouillies / Italiano: Arachidi bollite

Nilagang Mani in the food context refers to boiled peanuts, a popular snack in various parts of the world, including the Philippines. Unlike the roasted peanuts more commonly found in Western snack foods, nilagang mani are raw peanuts boiled in their shells in salted water until they become soft and infused with flavor. This method of preparation results in a unique, somewhat earthy taste and a tender texture that distinguishes boiled peanuts from their crunchy, roasted counterparts.

Deutsch: Gekochte Taro / Español: Taro hervido / Português: Taro cozido / Français: Taro bouilli / Italiano: Taro bollito

Nilagang Gabi in the food context refers to a Filipino dish involving boiled taro (gabi) root. Taro is a starchy root vegetable similar to a potato but with a nuttier flavor and is widely used in various cuisines around the world. In the Philippines, "nilaga" means boiled, and this cooking method is often used for making comforting, hearty soups and stews. While Nilagang Gabi can specifically refer to the boiled taro served as a side dish or ingredient in other dishes, taro is also commonly included in broader Filipino nilaga dishes, such as Nilagang Baka (beef stew) or Nilagang Baboy (pork stew), where it contributes to the overall flavor and texture of the dish.

Deutsch: Gekochte Rinderknochen / Español: Huesos de res hervidos / Português: Ossos de vaca cozidos / Français: Os de bœuf bouillis / Italiano: Ossa di manzo bollite

Nilagang Buto ng Baka in the food context refers to a traditional Filipino soup made by slowly boiling beef bones, often with marrow, until the flavors are richly infused into the broth. This hearty and comforting dish typically includes a variety of vegetables such as cabbage, potatoes, corn, green beans, and sometimes plantains or saba (a type of cooking banana). The soup is seasoned with onions, peppercorns, and salt, and it's known for its simplicity and the deep, savory flavor that comes from the long simmering of bones.

English: Lemon

Naranga, commonly known as orange, is a citrus fruit with widespread popularity in the culinary world. This article explores the definition, culinary applications, potential risks, and provides a delightful recipe for Naranga Sorbet. Additionally, we delve into the history and legal aspects of Naranga and list some similar citrus fruits.

Niyog is the Filipino (Tagalog) word for Matured Coconut which is the source of Coconut Milk. The Niyog is grated from the shell of the coconut and squeezed/pressed to obtain the desired Cococnut Oil called Gata in the Philippines.

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