Glossary F

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French Buttercream is also known as Common Buttercream is a type of Buttercream; a rich buttercream which is made by whipping softened butter into a Pate a Bombe mixture.

Formatge de Tupi refers to a Catalan goat's cheese soaked in olive oil. It is one of the traditional cheeses of Catalan which are found in produce markets and specialist cheese shops in Catalonia La Seu d'Urgell, the Cerdanya district and the Pallars area in the nortwear are the main centres of cheese production in Catalonia

Flavor Builder refers to an ingredient added in cooking to enrich the flavor of the main ingredient.

Fonduta refers to an Italian, particularly Nothern Italian style Fondue that is made from melted Fontina cheese and served over toast or polenta and used as a sauce on vegetables. Fonduta is pronounced "fohn-doo-tah" . It is from the French word "fondre" which means "to melt"

Foyot Sauce refers to a Béarnaise mixed with meat extract or glace de viande. It is a variation of a Bearnaise sauce with the addition of a well reduced meat glaze.

Fattah refers to the Egyptian dish made with chicken, rice and creamy yoghurt sauce.