* Food and drink

Abendessen supper/dinner

Auflauf omelette

Beilagen side dishes

Brot bread

Butter butter

Ei egg

Frühstuck breakfast

Gabel fork

Gebäck pastries

Hauptgericht main course

Honig honey

Käse cheese

Knödel dumplings

Kren horseradish

Löffel spoon

Messer knife

Mittagessen lunch

Nachspeise dessert

Öl oil

Pfeffer pepper

Reis rice

Salat salad

Salz salt

Semmel bread roll

Senf mustard

Spätzle/Nocker pasta/noodles

Speisekarte menu

Suppe soup

Tasse cup

Teller plate

Vorspeise starter

Zucker sugar

* Basics

* Vegetables (Gemüse)

Blaukraut red cabbage

Bohnen beans

Champignons button mushrooms

Erbsen peas

Erdäpfel potatoes

Fisolen green beans

G‘röste fried grated potatoes

Gurke gherkin/cucumber

Karfiol cauliflower

Karotten carrots

Knoblauch garlic

Kohl cabbage

Lauch leek

Maiskolben corn on the cob

Paprika green or red peppers

Paradeiser tomatoes

Kohlsprossen Brussels sprouts

Rote Rübe beetroot

Pilze mushrooms

Pommes Frites chips/French fries

Sauerkraut pickled cabbage

Spargel asparagus

Spinat spinach

Zwiebeln onions

* Meat (Fleisch) and poultry (Geflügel)

Eisbein pig's trotters

Ente duck

Fasan pheasant

Gans goose

Hackfleisch mincemeat

Hammelfleisch mutton

Hase hare

Hirn brains

Hirsch venison

Huhn chicken

Innereien innards

Kalbfleisch veal

Kuttelfleck tripe

Lamm lamb

Leber liver

Nieren kidneys

Puter turkey

Rindfleisch beef

Schinken ham

Schweinefleisch pork

Speck bacon

Taube pigeon

Zunge tongue

* Fish (Fisch)

Aal eel

Fogosch perch

Forelle trout

Hecht pike

Hummer lobster

Karpfen carp

Krabben prawns

Krebs crab

Lachs salmon

Makrele mackerel

Matjes herring

Muscheln mussels

Scholle plaice

Seezunge sole

Thunfisch tuna

Tintenfisch squid

* Common food terms

Am Spiess on the spit

Blau rare

Eingelegte pickled

Frisch fresh

Gebacken fried in breadcrumbs

Gebraten roasted

Gedämpft steamed

Gefüllt stuffed

Gegrillt grilled

Gekocht cooked

Hausgemacht homemade

Heiss hot

Kalt cold

Kümmelbraten roasted with caraway seeds

Powidl plum sauce

Geräucht smoked

* Fruit (Obst)

Ananas pineapple

Apfel apple

Banane banana

Birne pear

Brombeeren blackberries

Erdbeeren strawberries

Grapefruit grapefruit

Heidelbeeren bilberries

Himbeeren raspberries

Kirschen cherries

Marillen apricots

Pflaumen plums

Ribisel redcurrants

Rosinen raisins

Trauben grapes

Zwetschgen plums

* Desserts

Baiser meringue

Bienenstich honey and almond tart

Buchteln sweet dumplings

Käsekuchen cheesecake

Marillenknödel sweet apricot dumplings

Mohr im Hemd chocolate steamed pudding with cream

Palatschinken pancakes

* Austrian specialities

Backhendl chicken fried in breadcrumbs

Bauernschmaus platter of cold sausage, pork and ham

Beuschel chopped lung

Brettljause platter of cold meats and bread

Debreziner paprika-spiced sausage

Grammelknödel pork dumplings

Kärntner Käsnudl large parcel of pasta dough filled with cheese

Kasspätzln pasta noodles with cheese

Schinkenfleckern ham with noodles

Schlipfkrapfen ravioli-like pasta parcels with a meat and/or potato filling

Schweinshaxe pork knuckle

Stelze leg of veal or pork

Tafelspitz boiled beef, potatoes and horseradish sauce

Tiroler Gröstl potatoes, onions and flecks of meat fried in a pan

Tiroler Knödel dumplings with pieces of ham, often eaten in a soup

Wiener Schnitzel breaded veal

Zwiebelrostbraten slices of roast beef topped with fried onions

* Drinks (Getränke)

Apfelsaft apple juice

Bier beer

Flasche bottle

Gespritzer white wine with soda

Glühwein mulled wine

Grog hot water with rum and sugar

Kaffee coffee

Kakao cocoa

Kir white wine with blackcurrant

Korn rye spirit

Kräutertee herbal tea

Milch milk

Mineralwasser mineral water

Obstler fruit schnapps

Orangensaft orange juice

Roséwein rosé wine

Rotwein red wine

Sauermilch sour milk

Schnapps spirit

Sekt sparkling wine

Sturm new wine

Tee tea

Traubensaft grape juice

Trocken dry

Wasser water

Weisswein white wine

Zitronentee tea with lemon

* Glossary

Heuriger wine-tavern.

Kaffeehaus café.

Kärnten carinthia

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